Dr. Nookala Chinna Satyanarayana


Nookala has travelled all over India performing in all the prestigious organizations. He is the favourite choice of SPICMACAY Society for Promoting Interest in Classical Music and Culture among Youth.

He has total command over the South India and also a commendable knowledge over Hindustani style of music which enables him to do a comparitive study demonstrating it vividly. These demos are quite enlightening.

lecture demonstrations

Nookala has traveled throughout the world covering Uinted States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Malaysia, Singapore, and Mauritius. He has given performances and lecture demonstrations and conducted workshops in several prestigious universities to name some Cambridge, Oxford, Edinburgh, London, and Wakefield in K.K., Wesllien, Wisconsin, Colomba, and Colorado in U.S.A.

His lecture demonstrations are attended by students, teachers and acedamecians and they love his smooth and patient way of making misuc easy, to understand and enjoy. He compares Carnatic music system with other systems of world music, including Hindustani variation of Indian music as well as Western Classical Music and proves that Carnatic music is a universal style, covering every single aspect of music exhaustively, that there is hardly any thing musical under the sun which is not contained or covered by Carnatic music style of South India. He made the listeners sing the Carnatic musical scale producing instant results. He did this in apt demos in countries like Ireland.

mahamahopadhyaya title

The title Mahamahopadhyaya is given to a musician who has trained hundred students. It would be necessary to added several 'Mahas' before this title to suit Dr. Nookala when it comes to describing him as a Teacher. He has several hundreds of students ranging from beginners to doctorate trainees, five year olds to 75 year olds, prodigies to minimum gifted students. He has a passion for teaching and enjoys it very much.

viswakala parishat

Dr. Nookala has founded Viswakala Parishat, a non-profit organization for the cause of music and related activities. Through which he holds chamber of music concerts and conducts music festivals of all the great composers. He especially uses this dias to launch young and talented artists.